Homeowners Association

IGM Signs Rose Hill Golf Club

2022-09-22T21:20:11+00:00September 22, 2022|business development, Capital Improvements, East Coast Courses, Golf Maintenance, Homeowners Association, Management|

International Golf Maintenance (IGM) has worked day and night since signing an agreement to restore Rose Hill Golf Club, by taking on all golf course maintenance and golf operations. IGM Regional Manager Tyler Minamyer has seized the opportunity to build an exceptional team, make the golf course the best it can be, and achieve the goals of the Rose Hill Property Owners Association (POA).

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Preserving History and Nature at Bear Valley Springs

2019-09-03T16:03:09+00:00February 19, 2018|Environmental, Homeowners Association, West Coast Courses|

What’s a Home Owners Association (HOA) supposed to do when they discover Native American artifacts along a well-used horse trail? For Bear Valley Springs, in Tehachapi, California, the answer was easy: call the most knowledgeable landscaping and environmentally-friendly people they know, International Golf Maintenance, who maintain the Bear Valley Springs golf course. Preserving history and nature were their key goals. While

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